
WARNING: New Facebook Scams Today, Junfunrun and Bulitre

We’ve previously covered a number of Facebook scams, most designed to steal your Facebook login details to spam your friends. Today another such scam popped up: the Mashable team currently has multiple mails from “Junfunrun [dot] com” and “Bulitre [dot] com” (don’t visit those domains).

We’re not yet sure whether this is a fresh attack designed to steal login details, or whether it’s spam being sent from previously compromised accounts. Either way, the message is simple: if you get a link to one of these domains from a Facebook friend today, don’t click it. The scam is easy to spot because the automatically generated subject lines are in the format “Hi {RAND}”.

You should also check that your Facebook account is not sending these mails, as explained below.
If you receive one of these Facebook mails, simply delete it – one of your friends is affected but not you. If you find, however, that your account is sending the mails:

1. As a precaution, go to your browser settings and clear your cookies.

2. Change your Facebook password

3. Make sure your antivirus software is up to date and run a full system scan

4. Never enter your Facebook password on a 3rd party site, and be cautious about downloading untrusted software like a “free video player” – both methods have been used to steal login details in the past

copy-paste from Mashable

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